Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Platforms that can help your business

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • EC2
  • S3
  • Cloud IBM
  • Google Cloud
  • Microsoft Azure

If you are looking for cloud computing platforms that can help your business run more efficiently, you are in the right place. There are a variety of options, including Amazon EC2, IBM Cloud and Google Cloud. Let us examine the main differences between the different types of platforms and how they can benefit you.


Amazon EWc Cloud Computing Platforms

If you are looking for a cloud computing platform that offers high levels of safety, reliability, and scalability, you may want to examine Amazon EC2.
With a variety of configuration options, EC2 can help you meet your specific needs. It offers flexible scaling that allows you to pay only for what you use. You can configure networking, safety, and storage options according to your needs. The platform also offers very affordable prices, so you will only pay for the capacity you use.

  • The most popular cloud computing platform is EC2 from AWS, which offers users a variety of features. The platform includes a rapid deployment process, a wide selection of services, and a low cost of possession. Due to flexibility, EC2 is an excellent choice for users who seek to create their own cloud -based applications.
  • Amazon EC2 is a popular choice for companies that seek to accommodate applications and carry out tests. Its elastic capacity and flexibility make it the ideal solution for tests and high-performance development. You can run several instances in several regions and develop them according to your needs.
  • In addition, you can choose from a wide variety of operating systems. Amazon offers servers running Microsoft Windows, Ubuntu, Centos, Susa, and Debian. EC2 also has a billing per second, which means that you can only pay for the resources you use.
  • In addition to the advantages of EC2, AWS also offers a variety of support options. Some of them include paid assistance packages and unlimited resources. However, you need to be aware of common problems when using cloud computing services.


The Amazon S3 Cloud Computing platform allows users to store and manage data. Unlike the traditional storage of files or blocks, S3 stores data as an object with its kept metadata. This means that it can be easily identified and recovered if necessary. It also allows users to create key values ​​to organize and recover data.

  • S3 is an open platform and supports a variety of file formats and types. It is accessible from any computer with appropriate identification information. It also offers various storage courses for different needs, including low-cost and high-speed storage support. It also offers economic tools and optimizations such as intelligent classification and classification analysis.
  • The S3 Cloud Computing platform has a number of security features. Users can configure safety authorizations in the bucket or object, and they can also activate encryption before storing data. AWS also follows S3 data for billing purposes. They must have an AWS account to access the data stored in S3.
  • Amazon S3 also offers several journalization and surveillance tools.
    These tools can help users manage the performance of their applications. Amazon S3 supports Amazon Cloudwatch, AWS Cloudtrail measurements, and access to access to the server. The platform also offers the possibility of easily moving objects to and from S3. There is no limit to the amount of data that a S3 service can store.
  • Amazon S3 provides an ideal storage platform for companies with a large volume of data. It is a practical and affordable way to store data and access it if necessary. Companies and developers can use S3 to store and manage data.

IBM Cloud

IBM cloud

IBM Cloud platforms are a complete software and services portfolio. With IBM Cloud Advisory Services, companies can take advantage of the company’s deep analysis to identify the optimal cloud solution for their unique commercial needs. This allows them to reach the cost and time by implementing personalized solutions.

  • IBM Artificial Intelligence (AI) advanced technology helps companies meet complex challenges and develop tailor-made solutions. Using very effective tools and reducing the need for manual agents, the IBM Cloud Advisory Services team can help companies quickly and effectively benefit from cloud solutions.
  • The IBM cloud platform also includes AI resources like IBM Watson and IBM Cloud Functions for server without servers. Watson includes tools to help companies create AI models and is available as a service. IBM also offers automation resources like Turbonomic, which helps organizations optimize their application resources. IBM also offers Kubernetes cloud service and access to a container register. He also supports Apache Spark and Hadoop.
  • IBM Cloud Infrastructure provides a secure environment for data storage and processing. IBM regularly records its services and allows users to configure and restore backups whenever necessary. IBM also presents sensitive data, ensuring that it is not accessible to unauthorized parties. All data stored on the IBM cloud is protected by IBM’s security policies.
  • With IBM Cloud, companies can choose between subscription -based accounts and payment accounts. Subscription -based accounts have a reduction in initial costs and require a minimum amount of expenses. Subscription -based accounts offer a number of advantages, such as prices reduced according to monthly commitments. The greater commitments gain greater discounts.

Google Cloud

Google Cloud

The Google Cloud Computing platform can be used to host websites, applications, software and files safely on the Internet. It offers several safety layers and is designed for companies that require security features. Users are only billed for the resources they use.

  • With this service, a company can change its infrastructure as needed and avoid headaches and hardware management and software costs.
    Each Google Cloud resource belongs to a project. A project is a conceptual unit that describes the resources used and includes parameters, authorizations, and metadata. These resources may communicate with each other via an internal network, subject to rules defined by regions and areas. However, they cannot access resources in other projects without shared VPC.
  • The Google Cloud Computing platform offers an easy-to-use environment for the creation and execution of programs. The platform has five basic elements which are deployed for different tasks. Google Compute Engine is an IAAS service that provides virtual machines similar to Amazon EC2, while Google App Engine is a PAAS service that hosts applications directly. These two services provide powerful platforms for the development of applications, and they also have automated scaling features.
  • There are also several levels of certification. There are associated and professional certifications. The associated certifications are the most fundamental and general certifications, while professional certifications require more advanced knowledge and experience. In order to win a professional certification, you must have at least three years of experience in the industry. You can also get professional certification if you are looking for a more advanced career in Google Cloud. If you are new in the cloud, you may want to consider a Cloud Digital Leader certification, which is offered by Google.
  • Developers who create mobile and native cloud applications are likely to like the Google Cloud platform. Organizations of all sizes are also interested in its high-performance platform and favorable to a budget. The platform also offers solid capacity for automatic learning, an analysis of megadons and artificial intelligence.

Microsoft Azure


Azure is a Cloud Computing platform from Microsoft. It offers a wide variety of business services. The hybrid approach of the company in Cloud Computing allows companies to mix and match workloads, allowing progressive conversion over time. The company’s Azure platform is integrated into its own products, such as Outlook and Office 365. With its reliable service, Azure should be more and more popular among companies.

  • Microsoft Azure is one of the largest available cloud computing platforms, offering many unique features. He is the leader in infrastructure as a service (IAAS) and contributes the most income to Microsoft. The company offers a variety of storage solutions, data centers, and delivery points. It allows companies to use a high-performance platform while retaining low costs.
  • Azure is available in 54 regions of the world, including the United States, Asia-Pacific, the United Arab Emirates, and South Africa. The company also has two regions in Canada. A region is also available in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The other regions of Europe include Germany, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Ireland. In Asia, there are five azure regions and three in Australia.
  • Microsoft also offers a number of support options. The basic support is included with the Azure accounts, while the more advanced support options cost $ 29 per month or $ 100 per month. Azure also offers a free level for students, allowing students and teachers to use more than 25 free products. This level is available for students who are in STEM fields, as well as for teachers in a four-year education establishment.
  • Another advantage of Microsoft Azure is its massive storage capacity. The service offers a variety of services for the construction and deployment of requests. For example, it offers managed SQL and NOSQL databases and integrated support for further exploration of data. In addition, Azure A Hdinsight, a Cloud Apache Hadoop service. With Hdinsight, users can use Hadoop and SQL Server clusters in the cloud to analyze data.

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